Neurologist and MS Researcher
Melbourne, Australia
Hospital & Health Care
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne Academic Centre,
Box Hill Hospital,
Department of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital
Laboratory Head
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne Academic Centre
2010 – Present
Director, MS Services
Box Hill Hospital
January 2002 – Present
Associate Professor
Department of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital
1999 – Present
Clinical trial
Prof Helmut Butzkueven is chief investigator of the PrevANZ Vitamin D MS Prevention Trial:
Preventing the risk of Multiple Sclerosis using Vitamin D in patients with a first demyelinating event in Australia and New Zealand (PrevANZ)
Trial ID: ACTRN 12612001160820
Study Completion Date: 2017
The role of vitamin D in MS
Researchers funded by MS Research Australia identified a latitudinal gradient in Australia and New Zealand, which indicates the risk of developing MS is seven times higher for people in Tasmania compared to Far North Queensland. This research indicated a link between lack of sunlight, vitamin D, and the development of MS.
Another group of researchers supported by MS Research Australia discovered that genes involved in vitamin D metabolism are implicated in MS risk, reinforcing the role vitamin D could play in contributing to a solution.
These two studies led to MS Research Australia launching the world first trial of vitamin D supplementation as a preventative measure for people at risk of MS.
An Introduction to the PrevANZ trial
Published on 27 Mar 2014
Associate Professor Helmut Butzkueven introduces the PrevANZ study, a collaborative trial across a number of centres in Australia and New Zealand. This trial aims to determine if vitamin D is an effective treatment for people in the early stages of MS and the most appropriate dose.
The benefits of Vitamin D in treating MS
Uploaded on 23 May 2011
A/Prof Helmut Butzkueven from the University of Melbourne and A/Prof David Booth from the Westmead Millenium Institute talk about the benefits of Vitamin D in treating MS.
Genetics and multiple sclerosis - A/Prof Helmut Butzkueven
Published on 27 May 2014
In this video, A/Prof Helmut Butzkueven (neurologist and MS researcher) discusses the importance of understanding genetic markers of multiple sclerosis and the research that is being performed by the basic sciences unit in the MS group at the Melbourne Brain Centre.
An Introduction to MSBase - Helmut Butzkueven
Published on 24 Mar 2014
Associate professor Helmut Butzkueven (neurologist, MS researcher) provides an insight into MSBase, an international MS registry that is helping answer many questions about multiple sclerosis.
Page last edited: March 30, 2016
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